Hi Gina, thank you for your question. The best candidates for liposuction are those in good health, over 18 years of age, have good skin tone and whose skin is elastic (i.e., can be moulded into new contours). Those who are not good candidates are those with blood flow problems like coronary artery disease, diabetes, a weak immune system, those with seizure disorders, excessive bleeding and/or a history of deep vein thrombosis (blood clots in the legs) or pulmonary embolisms (blood clots in the lungs). Also at risk are those taking certain medications like aspirin, non-steroidal ad inflammatory drugs or anticoagulants. But the most important characteristic of a good candidate for liposuction, is one who has realistic expectations, because while liposuction can provide substantial improvements, the results are rarely perfect. You will be disappointed if you expect liposuction to be an effective means to lose weight permanently. Liposuction is not proven to be an effective treatment for obesity.