Hi Chin Chin, Asian eyelid surgery gives a “double eyelid” through a visible crease or fold when the eye is open. The position of the fold to be made will be done either through a non-incisional or incisional procedure. Factors to be evaluated are: a patient’s age gender, skin thickness and quality, fat volume under the skin, healing history from past procedures, as well as the unique anatomy around the eyes. This surgery takes about 1 hour under local anaesthesia with an IV sedation; pre- and post-op recovery may take another 2 hours or expect a total of 3 hours. After surgery, a return visit to the surgeon is done after 1 week to remove sutures. Swelling between the eyelid crease and the eyelid margin can persist for months and even a year. Factors which can affect the recovery process include allergies, sinus conditions as well as having sensitive skin.