Why do I need a breast lift along with implants if I have saggy skin?

To achieve a desired shape and surface quality for the breast, it may be recommended to have a breast lift together with breast implants.  The breast lift will add volume to the breasts, reshaping it and adding volume.  Often, the nipple and areola are shifted to a higher, more youthful position.  The two surgeries can be combined in a procedure known as a breast lift with implants or an augmentation mastopexy.  Having both procedures is recommended when you have excess skin, and just have a breast augmentation without the breast lift.  The implant will end up at the bottom of the breast a short time after surgery and will make the skin sag even worse.  It is best to have both procedures together otherwise the augmentation will be a disappointment.  If you have excess skin and go to a surgeon who tells you that you can get away with just an augmentation, seek a second opinion from a board-certified plastic surgeon or you most likely end up unhappy with your result.

How is a breast lift performed? Sabrina

Hi Sabrina, the only difference between Breast Lifting and Breast Reduction is the removal of breast tissue. Because two circles of tissue of unequal circumference need to be sewn together, a tailor would know that the result will be bunching of the tissue. Fortunately, this bunching usually settles in a few months. As the breast matures, there will be more extensive drooping, making the next level of lifting requires a vertical incision between the areola and the crease below the breast. Many plastic surgeons believe that most patients require a full lift. An incision is made along the length of the crease, together with vertical incisions and incisions around the areola. It is critical to choose a board certified cosmetic surgeon to help you decide on the matter of scarring.

How long is recovery after a tummy tuck? Sawyer

Hi Sawyer,  A tummy tuck procedure involves making an incision just above the pubic hair line, removing the excess skin and fat, and tightening the abdominal muscle. The recovery time for a tummy tuck varies for each individual, but generally takes at least 6-8 weeks. Patients who’ve undergone this procedure have drainage tubes in for seven days at which time they are told not to go back to work. Once the tubes are removed, they can go back to work as long as there is no heavy lifting. Sutures remain in for up to 17 days. Subsequently, patients can resume light walking.  However, exercising with normal routine should usually commence at about six to eight weeks. It takes at least six weeks for the sutures on the muscles to scar back down and, therefore, we have the patients wait. Patients are also put in abdominal binders and girdles for six to eight weeks in order to reduce swelling, edema, and allow the tissue to scar back down

What happens during a tummy tuck? Alvin

Hi Alvin, thanks for your question.  An incision is made in the lower abdomen and a W-shaped scar is made. To deal with the large amount of extra skin, after massive weight loss, vertical incisions are added to the belly. The skin of the belly is then lifted, exposing the muscles. The belly button (umbilicus) is protected, and the skin is lifted all the way to the ribs and to the bottom of the breastbone, with most if not all of the skin between the belly button and the pubis – removed.  The rectus muscles are sewn together, a cut is made in the skin and the belly button is popped through. Two drains are placed. The wound is closed, usually in two layers, with a deep layer of dissolving stitches and a superficial layer of stitches.

How can I tell if I’m a good candidate for laser skin resurfacing? Nissy

Hi Nissy, laser skin resurfacing is not recommended for those with certain skin types, skin tones, and medical conditions. This procedure may, in fact, worsen such a patient’s facial appearance. It is recommended for those with lines, wrinkles, uneven pigmentation, or superficial facial scars such as acne scarring that does not respond to gentler treatments. The ideal candidate has elastic, non-oily skin that is not prone to scarring after minor injury.  It is ideal that such potential candidates are free of any medical considerations, including prescription medication and existing health conditions that might cause unnecessary risk during the procedure or recovery period.  Above all, the ideal candidate is someone with realistic expectations for the results of the laser skin resurfacing procedure.  Those with lighter skin tones are better candidates for this particular procedure than persons with darker skin tones because there is less risk of unexpected side effects such as permanent skin discoloration.